Though not perhaps the most well known of all literary devices (possibly more popular thanks to Disney), The Black Spot represents, in most cases, a curse, an imperfection, or some sort of other ill will.
As I was working on a drawing I am doing, sitting with my daughter as she colored on her dry erase easel, somehow or another a little black dot from one of her markers made it onto my very carefully planned and worked pencil drawing. It's obvious. It's gaping. It's a black spot. And, it's beautiful. Because, it reminds me that God - a much better creator than I - knows about each and every one of the black spots in His creation. That's what we call Sin.
I plan on using all of the capacities I have as an artist to make the black spot go away. Most likely, nobody but me will know it was even there, once I'm finished. But - the spot happened. The great healer - Jesus Christ - came to get rid of all of the black spots in the creation of His Father, and our Father. Most of the black spots we have, He knows about, but His eraser - the Son, got rid of them for us so that we can be with Him again.
I'm thankful for the reminder that even black spots are an integral part of creation. They can be managed, they can be dealt with appropriately. But, only through the great eraser that is Jesus, can they be erased and forgiven. I'm still learning how to draw around black spots. And, I'm still learning how to accept forgiveness for my sin. But, through Him, we are all forgiven.