My personal reflections on finding God's purpose for my time in my temporary home.
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Gastroenteritis (Stomach Flu)
Friday, December 14, 2012
Remember, and Pray
God, please help these people find you in the moments that follow, for without you, surely we would all be lost. Amen.
Saturday, December 8, 2012
An Empty Freezer
This is much like God's love for us. No, not cold and empty, though I could see how it might seem I was going in that direction. No, his love is always available and waiting, ready for us to accept it as we become more like Christ. As we fill our God-Freezer with love, the God-Freezer has more and more of its purpose fulfilled. An empty freezer represents to me an empty relationship, or a complete lack of one, with God. It has no real purpose, and it's impractical to keep it plugged in. However, begin filling that freezer with food to preserve, and suddenly its purpose becomes obvious and very practical. This is much like our lives in respect to God. Empty of God, we wander without purpose. Filled with God, and our purpose is obvious. God is always plugged in, waiting for your heart and mind to fill His purpose.
One reason I think a freezer is a good metaphor, sometimes we take food out of the freezer to eat it. Taken as a metaphor, this is our sin. Jesus died on the cross to give us the currency we need to buy more food to put back in the freezer. For, all of the supermarkets of Grace were closed before Jesus died for us. Now, all we have to do is truly desire forgiveness and seek it appropriately, and our God-freezers will be filled to the brim with nourishment again. Surely, it won't always stay full, but we should always strive to keep it as filled as possible.
My own personal God-freezer isn't likely full right now. I hope it's pretty close to full, but I'm also human, so I know I'm selfish, easily distracted, and otherwise not someone that's an obvious choice for elevation to saint-hood. Even people like Mother Theresa probably had times where their God-freezer wasn't full, but I imagine hers was close to full much more often than mine tends to be.
I pray that God will help me find my way to filling up my freezer (the metaphorical one, not the literal one) and into his Kingdom. It seems fitting, after all, since winter has arrived around here (mostly). Amen.
Monday, December 3, 2012
Responsible Grandchild
Me with Grandpa and Grandma |
My sister started writing letters (yes, snail mail) to him a while ago, and has told me a little about the content of said letters. It's inspired me to start doing the same thing. For, while he's still young at heart, he has a great-grandchild (my child) so he is not physically young. The time will come much too soon for my mortal heart that God will call him home. I'm sure he will go willingly, for God called his wife home many years ago, and to this day still speaks of her with more love and fondness than I've seen in some living marriages.
I don't know what will come of our letter conversations. I expect I'll learn some things about my family that will excite me and surprise me. I'm sure I'll learn some of the more personal stories of American history. But, most of all, I'll learn as an adult the kind of man that I can grow into being someday. While he's far from perfect (just ask his children) he certainly gives me something to aspire to in terms of my character.
Pray for me as I embark on this journey. I have no idea what to write to him, honestly, because I've only ever known him as Grandpa, and never really thought of him in grown up terms until recently. I'm sure the pen-pal relationship will be a great one, as I'm sure God brought the idea to me in the first place.
Monday, November 26, 2012
Responsible Parenting
I think this provides me with regular and important opportunities to remember that parenting is a form of worship. Since God so loves spending time with His children, by reflecting that in time spent with my own child, I feel more closely connected to God's presence. I realize that the joy that He experiences watching me grow up as a Christian greatly dwarfs the joy I experience watching my child grow into adulthood. But, in terms of our faith, we all have some growing up to do. And, with a little help from our Father, I think all Christians can grow into responsible and strong stewards of His shaping.
I love spending time with my child. It provides me great joy, wonderful laughter, and an intimacy that can only be experienced between a parent and a child. The kind of love my child gives me comes about as close to God's true love as I can imagine. It's unconditional, it's raw, it's powerful, and it's always there. My child constantly wants more of my time (if only I had more to give), and so does God.
While I work on becoming a more responsible father, so too am I working on becoming a more responsible Christian. By modelling my fathering after The Father, as best I can, I can be assured that I'm doing the best I can to raise a well adjusted child. God bless all of the fathers of the world, and help them to care as much as You do. Amen.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Kids Without God
I imagine God shed a few tears seeing this created |
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Darkness, or Light?
I saw these objects in the dim light of the rising sun. Veiled in the darkness, I made an assumption about them that made me concerned and confused. Because I couldn't see them clearly, I thought they were something completly different than they turned out to be, and the things I thought they were carried a negative connotation with them, or at least one to raise alert in my mind.
However, the objects themselves turned out to be completely innocuous. So, the message that God sent to me had nothing to do with what was actually on the kitchen table, but instead about the way I make assumptions about people. I was dead wrong with what I assumed, because I assumed it based on an idea veiled in darkness. When I finally saw the truth, and in the light, everything was revealed as just fine.
So, God was asking me a very important question. One that I'm going to have to spend way more time considering, for sure. Am I seeing life veiled in Darkness, or Revealed in Light?
He was also asking me another important question. How do I make assumptions about people, and what right do I have to judge anything based on those assumptions?
Though this person isn't even awake yet, I'm going to have to ask for forgiveness for what I assumed. I could say nothing, but that's not the way Jesus would teach us to interact with others. Open sharing is the only way to strengthen an important bond.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Call Me Irresponsible
Irresponsibly Mad for God |
Imagine promising to deliver a project on time to your supervisor. Now, also imagine promising to your family that you will take more time to spend quality time with them. Uh oh... here comes a potential conflict. If the project timeline starts to slip, do you give up time with your family? But, then, family should rank higher than work in order of importance, shouldn't it? Like I said, responsibility can get me into trouble. I believe that I have to earn the trust of those around me, but the most important trust I have to earn belongs to God. He provides me with challenges, which in truth, are opportunities to prove that I deserve the responsibility he gives me.
Responsibility given by God sometimes provides interesting and challenging barriers, some of which put me into positions that are counter to the idea that I am, first and foremost, responsible. I trust that God made me the kind of soul worthy the responsibility he gives me, even when I do screw it up sometimes. I know I'm only human. And, sometimes when I'm trying to be a responsible steward in some cases, it makes me irresponsible in others. I'm still actively learning how to prioritize my responsibilities. I'm also still learning how to shut my mouth and open my ears so that God can help me put first things first. I can even say that I've made some serious mistakes recently, counter to the core of my responsible being. I've been irresponsible recently (though, not lately) and I intend on spending time reflecting and working on earning the trust of those I hurt, and also showing God that I am the responsible person He made me and wants me to be.
So, I have some things that I need to be more responsible for, and I have some things that I need to move away from, because it would actually be the responsible thing to do. With God's help, the next few posts I write will actively concentrate on several things:
- Putting God in first place in my life - Being a better Christian
- Putting my wife in second place in my life - Being a better Husband
- Putting my daughter in third place in my life - Being a better Father
- Learning to trust others, and myself, with my professional quality at work - Being a better Employee
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Fiscal Responsibility
One of the most important aspects of achieving personal fiscal liberty lies in having the ability to support others who are unable to support themselves. Only when our own family finances are in order and responsibly managed can we afford to give to others without fear. Tonight my wife wrote a sizable check for a Good cause, one that I know He would be happy to see us donating towards. If we didn't take care of our financial gifts properly, there's no way this would be possible. I've heard of families with incomes double or triple ours, yet unable to give due to squandering their financial gains. I won't call it wealth, because the truly wealthy are those that respect what they have been given by Our Lord (in my opinion).
Now, this isn't to say that my family is "financially perfect" with our responsibility. However, I can say we strive very hard to take care of our financial independence and growth. We truly see debt as four letter word to be avoided. Credit is a close second, and must be treated with great respect when used, because credit really is just another fancy word for debt, at least if we buy things we cannot pay for in cash.
I thank God that my wife and I are on the same page about having a family budget, and about just about every aspect of managing that budget. As our financial wealth continues to grow (God willing), I hope that we can use our finances to help His purpose in our lives evident.
I ask God only for the wisdom to continue to grow our finances for His glory.
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Don't Worry, Be Happy
"Do not be anxious then, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'With what shall we clothe ourselves?' "For all these things the Gentiles eagerly seek; for your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. "But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added to you. "Therefore do not be anxious for tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." - Matthew 6:31-34I find myself being human much to readily. Granted, God designed me to be human, so that's OK. But, I also find myself worrying too much about every day things. Now, some of these things do matter in the context of my mortal life, and even matter in terms of eternity - as our role in this life directly impacts our place in the next. But, much too often I forget that there's a difference between human business and God business. I forget that some of the things I worry about are really none of my business at all to worry about, God will take care of it for me.
Something that I believe as helped me in the past, and will continue to help me as I grow spiritually, is to look around at the things God has provided for me. Much like a father provides for his family and children, God provides for his spiritual family. He certainly does love me, and I know this because of the love that I have for my child. While my love is grand, His love is immeasurable and He desires nothing more for that love to come back to Him. When I remember the fact that I have a happy and healthy child, a (usually) happy and healthy marriage, and I am healthy, I see no reason not to be happy.
Anxiety comes completely from humanness and desire to control things that are beyond our own grasp. I know the anxiety demon well, I grapple with it on a regular basis - often many times a day. Satan really likes it when I worry, he plays tricks on me and gets me to thinking I can handle things on my own. Thankfully, God knows how to brush Satan aside, sometimes it takes me a while to ask for His help though. I need to remember that all of my strength was given to me by Him. All of my abilities and know-how, He ensured I'd have in place when I needed them. When the anxiety of mortal life becomes a burden too great to bear, I find it important to remember Him. After all, on the last day of each of our worries, we will meet Him face to face. And, for that, I am certainly most thankful.
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Make Good Choices
At my daugter's daycare they regularly tell the children "make good choices." Sometimes this comes when the children step out of line and need a reminder. Other times it comes as praise, when in deed they do make good choices.
I think it's important to apply this life lesson into a God-driven life. For grown ups, we need a reminder sometimes not to step out of line. When we forget our purpose in life came from God, I beleive we can expect him to remind us to make good choices. And, if we decide to stop listening to Him, He might even have to put us in time out. Not because it gives Him pleasure to do so, but because He loves us and wants us to grow up into good people.
We are always growing, learning, and shaping into the spiritual adults that He designed us to be. How we choose to reflect that in every moment proves to our Father that we, too, make good choices.
Friday, October 26, 2012
Mailbox Down
Our Mailbox Had a Bad Day |
Now, I'm upset that this is the fourth time in a couple of years that we've had to put up a mailbox. However, I hope that God can find a way into the heart of the person responsible for this, and let said individual know that this has been forgiven. To repair this will cost me a little bit of time (including fixing any minor damages to the box itself), energy, and less than $50. The amount of damage done to the vehicle that hit this mailbox will easily surpass that number. Plus, since there were car parts scattered all over our front lawn, we contacted the police department. While I doubt the police ever find the person that did this, I hope that God does. It had to be scary, hitting this mailbox. I'm sure it made a lot of noise, and hurt their car badly. It's hard to be genuine in a textual blog, but I hope my message to this anonymous driver doesn't come across as cynical - I really do feel bad for the person that felt like they couldn't take responsibility for this accident.
Because we've had many cases of mailbox baseball, we decided to "armor up" our box a bit. That 4x4 sheared clean off of its concrete base, so the driver that hit the mailbox had to be travelling pretty fast. Plus, the post is set back from the road approximately 2 feet, which means they probably jacked up their suspension, too. We suffered a minor property casualty. I have to imagine the person that did this has been shaken to their core, at least briefly. Hopefully, this will make them a little safer of a driver, whoever it was. Thank God that nobody was standing near that mailbox at the time this happened.
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Made to Learn and Grow
A few areas that I know I need to continue growing my compassion, understanding, and love, in order of importance:
- God
- Becoming Like Jesus Christ
- My wife and daughter
- My career
Saturday, October 20, 2012
I Love My Job
Sure, I have stressful days, and even weeks. But the stress never overwhelms me for a long time, because I am so enthusiastic about what I do at the office.
Now, I love God for giving me something to do that I love so much. So, I do my best to glorify Him in my work. Sometimes, though, my love for my work causes undue stress on my family. I still need Gods help making sure that my family comes before my career, and that He comes first overall.
For those of you who read this post before now, I apologize - I wrote it on my phone, and didn't error check it before publishing it.
Monday, October 15, 2012
Fellowship Thoughts
One of the most important things I've come to find during my time of fellowship with these guys is an increase in accountability towards my faith in God and Jesus Christ. Admittedly, I haven't made the right kinds of effort in getting my butt into a pew, though I realize that sentiment probably detracts from the real truth. I don't go to church right now, I haven't in many years. I intend on changing that pattern very soon, but it's something that weighs on my heart as I continue to dive more deeply into my faith. It was uncomfortable for me to admit this to them today, and even more-so for me to say so openly. However, if I'm going to be accountable for what I do (and don't do) I have to admit to my shortcomings. Faith isn't always comfortable, or easy - and this admission is no exception.
I know I'll be in church, soon. I know I'll be in a church that will help me strengthen my relationship with God and Jesus in ways that neither strong fellowship or personal devotional time can. I will need your prayers in helping me to ensure that "soon" really is soon, and not just an empty word without promise.
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Ordinary Miracles
Before I go into my reflections for the day, I would like to ask for prayers for the family of my wife's uncle, who will pass into eternal life in the next few days.
Today, I would have been on time for work, were it not for a Semi driver looking for an enigma of a destination. He blocked the drive to the office and spent a good 10 minutes turning around in much too small of a space. The moment a clearing showed, a car zoomed into the parking lot behind me. That was lesson one, two years ago that was me.
By the time the truck had cleared the portion of the lot where I park, I was already 10 minutes late. So, I used the next five to go help the very perplexed driver find his way. God worked through me today, putting me in a place where I could help with something so simple. Lesson two. Both say the same thing. What we do in our short time here on earth matters. So, I am going to do a little better not to rush and notice the important things.
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Why a Lion?
Well, I've actually found two reasons to consider myself a Lion of God. First of all, my surname translates to "Lion Valley" (Valley of the Lions) which seems pertinent. Second of all, C.S. Lewis imagining Jesus as a Lion has helped me connect personally with a metaphor that has potency in my own life. Therefore, I consider myself in the same metaphor of the Lion. Strong, for certain. But, that strength ultimately comes from my creator and King, our God.
As time allows, I intend on focusing my attention on becoming one of God's warriors. A Lion warrior, if you will. It won't be easy sometimes. But, easy is not the point. Unshakable faith is. Something I still need lots of work on.